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Treñas orders energy-saving measures in Iloilo City

Iloilo City Mayor Jerry P. Treñas called on all public and private establishments in the city to adopt
energy-saving measures in the wake of recent power outages.
Based on Executive Order No. 49 which he issued recently the energy-saving measures will be
carried out in the City Hall and in the barangay facilities, schools, parks and Esplanade, among
Treñas, said while efforts have been made to expand energy production to cope with the demand,
there are still problems with consumption that result in power outages and unscheduled interruption.
“While we demand from the NGCP (National Grid Corp. of the Philippines) and other energy
suppliers and power distribution companies to improve their services, it cannot be said that one of
the ways to deal with the constantly expanding need for energy and the issues it brings is to focus
on energy conservation,” he said.
The order prohibits the unnecessary use of office facilities while lights, air-conditioning units, and
computer monitors have to be turned off during lunch break, provided they are not considered front-
line service offices.
The use of devices with high electricity consumption, such as electric stoves, irons, and similar
devices, is prohibited while charging cellular phones and similar gadgets is highly discouraged in
office premises.
Street lights in all public thoroughfares shall be turned on at 6 p.m. and off at 4 a.m. the next day
while those in public plazas and parks will be off at 11 p.m., provided minimal lighting is maintained
for safety and security.
“The public is highly encouraged not to roam around these areas once the majority of lights are off,”
the EO said.
Barangays are also encouraged to adopt energy-saving practices while conducting fiesta
The use of high volumes of water is also highly discouraged as the EO calls for the prudent use of
The energy-saving measures take effect immediately until August 30 this year or until such time the
supply and transmission of electricity shall improve and stabilize, the order read.
The mayor has also ordered City Engineer Salvador Pedregosa, City Architect Regie Gregorio, and
City Environment and Natural Resources Officer Neil Ravena to look into the feasibility of
establishing solar charging stations at the plazas and esplanades for the use of the general public.

Ravena, during their executive meeting on Tuesday afternoon, said they would identify the top five
schools with the biggest consumption for an energy audit to determine their high-electricity
consuming facilities. (PNA)