Escobar leads APPO’s internal disciplining body

Escobar leads APPO’s internal disciplining body

Escobar leads APPO’s internal disciplining body NewsExpress

Police Lieutenant Coronel Norby Rios Escobar is the new chief of the Provincial Internal Affairs Service (PIAS) of the Antique Police Provincial Office (IPPO).

In an interview with Escobar he says that the public are not so familiar with what the IAS is particularly with regard to its function and services to the community.

He explained that IAS is a special unit under the Office of the Chief PNP and one of the disciplinary branch in charge to guide and discipline relative to the behavior of PNP personnel and officers, and IAS is the lead agency to conduct proper inspection and audit, re teaming inspection, administrative investigation (motu-proprio or non motu-proprio).

Escobar also added that IAS also has its own court where the people can file complaint against the abusive PNP personnel and to recognize those who deserve recognition of good doings.

He says that IAS placed drop boxes at the lobby of the 18 municipal police stations in the Province of Antique where the people can drop their complaints against the misconduct or conduct unbecoming of PNP personnel. (Eva Abajencia)