WV officials vow support to ARTA’s EODB mandate

WV officials vow support to ARTA’s EODB mandate

WV officials vow support to ARTA’s EODB mandate 150 150 NewsExpress

Following the opening of the first Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) regional office in the
Visayas here, the Iloilo City government and other stakeholders signified support for the
implementation of the anti-red tape and ease of doing business mandate.
During the recent opening of its regional office in Western Visayas at the National Food
Authority (NFA) 6 Compound in Jaro district, ARTA Director General Secretary Ernesto
Perez highlighted the scaling up of the implementation of ARTA’s capacitating and
enabling function as well its enforcement mandate in Western Visayas.
“We are very optimistic, following the directive of the President for government officials
to go down to the people and hear their concerns directly so that nobody is left behind,”
said Perez.
The ARTA chief also underscored the significance of streamlining and digitalizing the
government processes to fight red tape and corruption, as well as attracting investors to
do business here.
As a response, Iloilo City Mayor Jerry P. Treñas signified the support of the city
government under his watch to the ARTA mandate.
“Iloilo City, under my watch, is one in ensuring the ease of doing business in the
delivery of our services. Through this office (ARTA RFO 6), we are certain that the red
tape in the whole region will be abolished and services for our people will be more
accessible,” Treñas stressed.
To note, the ARTA Central Office is being housed in the NFA Central Office, and the
same goes for the ARTA regional office in Western Visayas and so on to the other
regional offices of ARTA which have been and will be put up across the country.
On the part of the private sector, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI)
Western Visayas Regional Governor and Regional Development Council (RDC) 6 Co-
Chairperson lawyer Jobert Peñaflorida signified support to the anti-red tape mandate,
citing that through such the private sector can do business better.
The ARTA RFO Western Visayas is currently the fourth in the country and one of the
eight regional offices to be put up by the agency nationwide. (PIA6)